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TV Sales and Installation

When it comes to televisions, everybody has an ideal viewing experience.  For many of us, that means flat screen.  The technology that builds today’s flat screen televisions is a gigantic step up from the older, bulkier TVs of yesterday.  And every year, the top brands infuse their products with even better clarity, performance and ease of use.

Are you ready to move up to a flat screen TV or purchase one that’s better than the set you’re using now?  Are you ready to transform one of your rooms into a fantastic audio/visual experience?  High Definition Audio Video, Inc provides professional flat screen mounting services for any model, any size.  And you’ll be pleased to know you can get your new television through us and not spend a penny more than you would at the “typical” TV retailer.

Bypass the big boxes

Avoid the hassle, the crowds and the lines of big retailers by ordering your new flat screen right here.  WOS is an authorized dealer for all major brands, and we can offer you a more intimate shopping experience with sales staff who know their products inside and out.

The purchase of a flat screen TV is an important decision, so we want to make sure you know all your options: the size and features that will best suit your needs; external sound system choices; the different warranty specs; the type of installation necessary for your model; and other particulars.